What We Do
We try to reach villagers who have no access to medical services in the Central American countries that we serve. Our providers consist of MDs, DOs, nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants who assist the villagers with general physicals, minor surgeries, referrals for more serious problems and anything else a patient might need. We also provide prescriptions and over the counter meds. All services and meds are no charge for all.
Our dentists are all practicing, licensed providers. Since many of our villages have no electrical service, we provide extractions only, but most teeth have been so neglected that restoration is not possible anyway. We do provide painkillers for the extractions and try to keep our patients as comfortable as possible before and after their treatments.
We test vision and give reading glasses. Since many cannot read, they need them for sewing, carving, weaving or cooking which is how they provide for their families! A simple pair of eye glasses can make all the difference to an elderly woman who was previously unable to weave baskets or cloth and thusly provide for her family. What seems like such a small thing to us completely changes the lives of those we serve.